Jackie is a new quilter..look at her first project..what a great job she has done.

Marynanne is in baby mode..lol. Her daughter is expecting twins. How cute is this baby blanket.

Linda is working on this quilt..I just love the colors. She is like me always working on several projects at one time..lol. Looks like she is getting close to finishing..yippee!!

Farm note Willy (he is the darker coloured mini) has foundered so is on stall rest. Not 100% sure of that..because his hoof that is sore is not warm/hot. Time will tell. I was nervous that this was going to happen and had cut them back on there nite feed but it is what it is. He is one sore boy so will chat with the vet today she may have to come out and check him out.
Have a great day!!
Love the quilts.....! Hope the vet visit goes well.
Great quilts wish I had of been there with you all. Hope Willy is getting better.
Oh my, hope Willy does well....will keep the little guy in our thoughts!!
Great blog, Judi!! You'll have to post a picture of the Atkinson Table Runner - isn't it done yet??? (LOL). Love to see the animals, especially dog and cats. I have 2 goldens and 1 cat who always participate in the quilting somehow, even if it's only to deposit hairs :-(. If you get a chance, check out the upcoming Quilt Marathon sponsored by Region of York Quilters Guild (www.regionofyorkquiltersquild.ca)- I'm helping to organize. Hope to see you at Quilters Cupboard soon!
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