They love the new school and are making friends. Both think there teachers are great. How wonderful is that!! There Dad picked them up on Friday after school so they could spend the weekend at there old house and have some time with there friends. The house move will come at the end of the month but until then there is no doubt we are going to make out fine together.
Last weekend we went out to a local stable to make arrangements for there horse to be moved. It is only 10 min. from there new house so there is going to be lots of barn time coming up. With not having an indoor arena they did not want to have her stay with us..can't blame them..they want to be able to ride in the off weather and hang out with other kids that ride. And of course lessons. Always more to learn. Everything is coming together nicely.
Last nite we went with friends to Minden, Ontario which is only a 30 minute drive for Thai dinner. The Wild Orchid!! What a great meal.Now to learn how to make some of the fantastic dishes we enjoyed last nite. Afterwards of course we had to go to The Kawartha Dairy to get ice cream No visit to Minden is complete without that!!

The sad ending to the nite was to come home to find out one of our favorite pet friends had died last nite. The little guy..a Jack Russel we always called "Puppy Puppy" was killed in a tragic farm accident. From the time he was a tiny pup he would come to our home for his visits and lots of love. A smart little guy with a wonderful heart. By no means an obnoxious little yappy dog some would he was beyond He had the human world all figured out and took advantage of We are just broken hearted, there will not be another "Puppy Puppy"..he was a once in a life time pup. Some very sad households in the neighborhood this weekend.
The new routine sounds wonderful even if a bit chaotic! Sorry about your pouch..they do hold a dear place in our hearts.
I am not surprised that the kids had a wonderful time with their Grandma, you are creating some great memories for them. Sad to hear about little Puppy Puppy he was a cutie. It is going to be so nice for you with the grandkids moving closer to you. Enjoy
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