The girls are still with us and will be for another week to two weeks. Today there cats and dog are arriving so that should make life interesting. The dogs will be fine together..but not so sure about the cats. I rehung the basement door so I could keep there cats out of the basement and ours in until everyone settles in. The moving truck arrives on Saturday but everything is in storage for a week while the last of the work is being done on there house. Sure am going to miss the kids when they move back with there parents. They have been a great help also with chores at the barn. Not sure who has had more fun Gramma or
On top of everything else my washing machine decided to spring a leak "again". Only 3years old. Trouble is in my haste to buy a machine back then..I did not make sure I had a lint tray. So the lint builds up in this tiny little hose and causes the machine to over flow. Of all the stupid designs. In any case I have had it and a new set is on its way. The old washer will be perfect machine for someone with a cottage that does not do as much laundry as I do.
I did get a few pictures of quilts at the Bobcaygeon Quilt Show. This first quilt really caught my eye.

Check out the work in this one.

And last this gorgeous quilt. It was just breath taking, I wish I had taken more pictures of it.

I have a few more pictures of the show I will post next time. Now to wake the girls up for school and do chores. Have a great day everyone. It should be an adventure for me when the cats

Love that last quilt, two of the gals in my quilt group are doing that quilt in very different colours. The arcs are all paper pieced but there are lots of leaves as you can see to be appliqued. It is just gorgeous. Enjoy your new machines.
Thanks for the quilt show! You sure will have an adventure with moving and hopefully no cat-astorphe!!lol
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