Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sewing Day
Was working in the sewing room around 7:30pm when the door bell rang. WELL that does not happen around here often so Kally ..the cats and I jumped. It was our neighours with a visitor from the west wanting to park his tractor/trailor in our yard. Hey no problem but don't scare me to Called Rod to say hello...everyone is going to think you have changed Not sure how long it is going to sit there but I would imagine it will be gone sometime today. Don't care ..he is welcome to leave it there. Lots of yard
Not sure if I am ever going to get to the final put together stage with this quilt..I keep sewing and there is always more stages to do. Oh boy do I like what I am seeing so far.
In the middle of another snow fall. Windy so not sure if the guys will go out early or not. Heading to the barn. Have a great day everyone..see ya!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunny Days
Rod managed to get home for only one day again this week. It was a busy time getting his uniforms ready for him to head out again along with our barn chores. Not sure how long this spell will last at work but we are not going to complain.
Went over to visit with my Mom a lovely Birthday Card from her. I took her over some of my cake..just not able to gobble down the sweet stuff like I used Several phone calls and visitors for the day finished off another Birthday. Boy the years are going faster.
My poor son-in-law broke his leg in 3 places this weekend. He is in a lot of pain and had sugery yesterday. Lets hope today is a better day for him. Going to be a long recovery from what I am told. 10-12 weeks in a non walking cast..had a 16 inch steel rod put in. Poor guy!!Ugh!! Snowmobiling accident..he is lucky to still be here.
Off to let the horses out and on to some sewing today. It is Family Day in Ontario so a lot of stores are closed so sticking close to home today.
Enjoy the day!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Warm Weather

I have been working away on my quilt and a few other projects. I rearranged things so my cutting table is in the room as well..makes a big difference having it back in there. Not a lot of room..but it works for me. What more can a gal ask for..TV..Laptop..and machines. Got it Just have to come out for food once and
Today I have to head to the city so no sewing happening here. Have a great day.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Mojo Back
I have the frame up and have been playing with it. Lots of little things have to be worked on but I am hooked..this is going to be fun. I sure can understand about cats and quilt frames..Oh My..they think it is there play ground. Nothing is sacred, they want to play with everything. Sure hope they find some other hobby soon. Maybe they will get bored with it..ya!! think??
Rod's quilt is all cut out and I am working on it. It is going to be the colours. This week is a little hectic with appointments but hopefully I will have time to get some blocks done.
This weekend is mild so snow is melting ..yippee. No major storms in the forcast. Oh boy lets hope we don't see any major weather patterns for awhile.
Will post some pictures tomorrow. Nite...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Quilting & Sleigh Rides

I have some muslin on the B-Line frame. The girls had a great time writing there names and practicing on it. Now I need to spend some time on it. Last week I got frustrated that my cutting table was not in my sewing room (which is small) Well after re-arranging the room it now fits in there. A lot less walking back and forth so I am happy. Lets hope this week goes well so I can get some sewing done. Not sure why but my get up and go seems to have got up and Must be the winter...I don't know. Seems like I Have to Make myself get in there and sew. Weird eh!!
Update on Black Jack...he is holding his own. I am so happy he is doing well. Fingers crossed that the next appointment at the vets goes well. Testing still being done. He is such a sweet looking lad.
Off to try and get some sewing done "again". Keep warm!!