Working away on some table toppers. These are called Twisters. Took a little to understand the consept but once going it was a breeze. Still have to put on the binding which is tricky with the angles. I was hoping to put the binding on by machine to make it fast but there is no way with the angles that is going to work. I have also been working on some embroidered lace. Still have to wash them out. Turned out great. Made some Emblibrary Icicles as well as some snow flakes. Very pretty.
Like everyone else we got hit with the big snow storm yesterday. Wow..dumped a bunch of the white stuff. The lads of course were kept in the barn. Today is very chilly but hopefully I can turn them out for a short time this afternoon. More storms coming back to back right up to Christmas. UGH!!
Hubby has headed to Halifax in Big Orange so he will get home just in time for Christmas Eve. The economy is hitting everyone. His normal run is not the same anymore so he decided to pick up this load when it was offered. Just hope these new storms don't slow him down to much.
Off to try and get to the barn. Hope to get some nice snow pictures. I am a fine looking sight in my barn overalls and big coat..lol.
Enjoy the day..time to finish up the Christmas shopping. Nice sunny day!!
They are adorable; had fun following the lines until I could see how you added the 'layers'! yes, a pic of you in overalls would be fun..........!
Wow woman.. Such beautiful work!!! Ya know my 50th is coming up...LOL
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