I guess there are times you have to be careful what you wish for..lol. Just after my last post we got a dandy snow storm. Did not hurt my feelings..lol. Then it all changed and now we are back into rain and ice. Some areas in Ontario have no snow. Today I heard we are supposed to have above normal temps from now on. That is ok..as long as I can walk and not slide all over..lol.
Hubby and I had some fun time at the barn on the weekend. The cats are totally craving attention. Nothing would do but to sit down and have some cuddle time. Tippy of course had to go on her wagon ride when I took hay out to the horses. That is her job..lol On the other hand her brother Dusty is not allowed on the wagon..lol
The horses had a wonderful time wandering and eating. It was a perfect day for them. They enjoyed every minute of finally being outside all day.

Enjoy the day. I am off to do some purging of some sewing items I know I am not ever going to get at. May as well pass these things on to some people that will enjoy them.

Looks like "everyone" has on their "winter coats" just in case!!
Have A Great Day!!
When it is mild we do forget it is still winter!!! Nice pictures!
I'm glad you got your snow! We had our air conditioner on last week.
hi, The weather sure is odd. How are your eyes... Is sewing out of the question. Give me a call if you get a chance.
Great photos, hope our spring hangs on till we get away. I need to purge again too. LOL
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