It is DONE..a work in progress for many years. The first slowdown was because of my knee replacement surgery. My knee got so sore I could not sew. When I look back on that period in my life now I can not get over pain being that bad. Imagine not being able to use the pedal of a sewing machine!!!. Thank heavens for the technology of medicine..lol. My new knee is pain free and worth every minute of the therapy that went along with the surgery.

So back to sewing and embroidery. I wanted to head back to class and finish the quilt but kept putting it off in favor of other projects. You know what it is like..always something else out there..lol to do!!!! In the midst of those few years I noticed my eyes getting worse and found from my Dr.'s it was only going to get worse. So I have been scrambling to get this quilt done and several others. This quilt I got to the sawtooth stage then had to give up. I knew that putting the boarders on and doing the last of this quilt was going to be to much for me. So I asked my wonderful teacher Kim Bolender if she would not only quilt it as she usually does for me but finish the last of my quilt top. She is one very busy lady but agreed to finish the top for me. After all these years.. it is done!!!! I still love the fabric and the pattern.

I have one more queen size quilt to get quilted. It is just blocks so nothing special. It can get quilted next. Now I am just going to play around with small projects. No more cross grain sewing for me..lol. I love the challenge of some difficult patterns but those days are over. My low vision has gotten worse so I will just do what I can really enjoy without frustration.
It rained buckets last nite..what a splish splash mess at the barn..yuck. We need the rain so I should not complain. The Lindsay Fair is on this weekend so I do feel sorry for all the organizers that have worked so hard. We have friends showing horses and I would love to go..not..lol.
Keep dry..and enjoy the day!!!!
Congratulations on your finish! It's a beauty!
Looks amazing and I know you are thrilled that it is done.
Wow, so glad you hung in there and got this one to the finish line! Just stunning. Good attitude about the eyesight-hard to set some things aside but better than getting all frustrated.
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