Not sure how we got to June..but here we are!!
I finally finished the Scrappy Quilt, what a long project that was. Looks amazing and will post a picture later.
Now on to a quilt for Rod's truck. He got a new mattress in his truck so the old quilt is not big enough. Good enough reason for me. Heading off for another week on the road, hopefully with a new quilt soon. We have learned to love

I am not sure about the colour yet. May not be manish In any case we can always use it somewhere else. The pattern is called Split Nine Patch. Would love to play with some other fabric colours.

Kittens are a riot. Every trip to the barn takes forever..gotta play with the cuties. Still have 2 kittens that need forever homes. They can stay with us..but I would love them to go to "homes". This little one is Tippy. White tips on her back feet. She is the only fluffy one in the litter.

Off to get some work done. Have a great day!!
oh, they are so cute. I love little kitties!
Nice blog and beautiful works :)
Love the new quilt it is going to be wonderful. Love that orange truck too especially since I am not on the road next to it LOL. You know I hate riding on the highway near them. The kittens are adorable and have grown so much.
Just added your blog to my favorites after recently joining the Yahoo PHGQ group! Kitties, Clydesdales and quilts...does it get any better than that?!! Take care of those babies, I'll be checking in with you periodically!
sweet kitties..and the split nine patch is very nice, love the color.
awe, they are so cute. It's nice to see what other quilters do. I'm, sure the quilt you make will be great in the new rig...
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