Bunny and I had a great time. So much to see..so little time. We both fell in love with the B-Line machine quilting frame and are saving our pennies. Just where we are going to put these large toys is another issue. Oh well..we know when it comes to our toys we WILL find room. When I had my ladies wear store we of course had a steamer. Boy have I missed that hand dandy way of doing shirts. Picked up one of those at the show. Already using it..great for Rod's uniform shirts. Saves me a lot of time on busy weekends when the last thing you feel like doing is ironing.
Managed to restrain myself in the kit department. Only got one bed kit..lol. It is called the Split 9 Patch. The colours don't look the brightest in the picture. Going to cut this out today. Should go together quickly.

We were on our last tour of the exhibits..when what does Bunny spot..this!!!
You got it..I HAD to buy it. This one will be a challenge but I can hardly wait to get started. I am going to slow down and really take my time with this one. They had it at the show all framed up and hanging on the wall. Oh my was it gorgeous!!!
We checked out all the new machines as we wandered around. Still have a hankering for a Sapphire 870 Quilt. What a great machine. I love my Mega Quilter..but it would be great to have all those stitches AND the extra room in the throat plate. Just think of all the fancy quilting that can be done instead of just doing in the ditch...hummmm!!!
More tomorrow..life is starting to return to a normal pace what ever that is..lol
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