Yesterday it RAINED..OH my did it RAIN!!! Not going to complain other than I looked like someone had pitched me into the lake by the time the horses were I have a friend that boards dogs and had called me to say they had 2 Great Pyreneese staying with them and would I like to come for a visit. Well I could not get out of the house fast enough ( in dry We owned a Great Pyr at few years ago and Sam was without a doubt the best dog ever. It broke our hearts when at only 7 we had to say goodbye. He had cancer and also his hips were in bad shape. One of the downfalls with a large dog. These lovely boys are father and son. What a lovely pair. I used my phone for pictures so they are not the best. These dogs you see guarding sheep most of the time and only make a good house dog if you are ready for the demands of a dog THAT big around your home. It never bothered me but to some it would be way to

Today we are back to sunshine again and warm weather. Spent the day sewing and a few chores in town and the day is almost over. Time to head to the barn for evening chores. I hope everyone is keeping cool. Seems this warm weather is hitting a lot of areas pretty hard.

Our neighbor got a Pyr when they raised goats-he is a big polar bear! Glad you got to so and see the lovely big dogs!
I often wonder how those bigs dogs cope though in this weather. Wearing a fur coat in winter is one thing, but during a heat wave must be exhausting.....
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