This old farm had its day. The barn in the picture is now empty along with the house. So many stories and family times come from this farm. It is so sad to see it just sitting with no life to it. No family, no animals, no family excitment over looking after the land. Not to say the nice people that own it don't care..they do but it is not being used as an active farm supporting a famil like it was for so many years. How sad and that is the way it is all over our countries. The falling apart of the family farm is part of what has gone wrong with our countries. The owner of this farm was nice enough to let us take the hay off which was nice of him. This has nothing to do with him. A lot of it boils down to the price of the land and how much equipment costs..and just how HARD it is to work a farm. Breaks my heart to see the barn falling apart and the house in the shape it really should be taken down. Oh well I guess that is another thing we can not change..time marches on. In any case some of the story will continue int that the little yellow barn got its hay from these fields.

Have a great day everyone..don't forget the sunblock it is supposed to be a Finally we are into SUMMER!!!
Demise of the Farm is being sung here in USA , too! Sad-
Glad your weather is finally hot and dry-enjoy1
Hi We are siting here on the porch watching the sun go down. Lot of people going home after a great day at the beach. We are having a great time. That field is such a pretty picture.
Hug Bunny
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