This lovely Quarter horse has joined our barn. Our boarder sold one of her horses and this is our new lad!! Murphy in the background did not make his arrival welcome at all. It took a few days of separating them before they got along. I was surprised that Murphy was so intense on his finding another horse trailer to load poor Doc on After a few rides out together Murphy finally figured it out that he was staying and that was it. All is well now with the herd!!! Geesh..just like kids!!

Doc has a sweet personality and is in his high teens and very well trained. Just a sweet lad to have in the barn.
On a side note is anyone else having trouble with those darn horse flys that are the size of a 747 jet liner>>OMG!!! The poor horses!!! Masks and spray and they are still miserable. Hope this does not last to long.
Lots of hay cut in the area so lets pray it does not rain for at least a week!!
Enjoy the day...
Oh, he is a handsome horse! Enjoy. (sorry about the flies, they can be so nasty!))
Beautiful horse.....
Come on over to my blog as I am having a Southern Belle Giveaway!!
He's a beauty!
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