Our friends had dropped in for a visit and we decided it was a great day to hitch our horses and go for a wander and check out the fall leaves.
I gave the lads a whistle to come into the front paddock from there big field they graze in all summer long. When they were young I taught them when they heard me..they needed to come. Better than walking all the way out there to get them. You can pretty easily see Bill is saying ..?? what do you want??? It did not take long for them to figure it out.
Just liked they had been hitched the day before. What great lads they are. Both Bill and Max are in there late teens early 20's..lol..we have had them so long we can't remember. Close enough.
Off we went for our tour. Now our lads are not show horses..lol.They are just dear old pets that love to get out as much as we do..and well..we are kinda slow as well. Our friends who show there horses came with us. It was hilarious to hear them as we slowwlly walkeddd down the roadddd!!! LOL..LOL. There horses rarely walk..lol..they are big..impressive, aggressive show horses..and they ``MOVE". What a gorgeous thing to see. (pictures of there horse in back post on this blog) I don`t think they have ever gone on such a slow ride..lol. They said oh my..you can almost day dream while out here...lol So true..it was so relaxing and the horses were that way to.
Back to the little yellow barn after a lovely walk with the lads..what an awesome day!!

You know, things are missed when we do everything at 90 miles an hour! Faster isn't always best.
When our Arabian got to be 35 he slowed a lot...he preferred the slow walk for most everyday but for a few bursts on his own-lovely ride!
oh wow, I so wish I lived near you, as I would be begging for a ride on the cart with those beautiful boys of yours......
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