He was our friend
What an entertaining little guy with a whopping big attitude when things did not go his way. The kids named him Fuzzy Butt..lol..for obvious reasons. We brought him home when he was only 5 weeks old. Fuzzy was not doing well at the farm he was born at. We took him to the vet..and got him some medication and he pulled out of whatever it was that was the problem. We never did find out what was wrong. Looking back I know we were lucky to have the 5 years we did have with him. He never put on much weight but seemed very happy. The last few months I have known he was not well but finally we could not leave it any longer and took him in to the vets. He had only a few days left to live so we had him put to sleep. His kidneys were shutting down and it was time to say goodbye. He hated needles so it was not an option to treat his condition and keep him with us longer.
I had taught him to shake paws when someone came in to the house. Whenever someone came he was always right at the door like a dog. Paw out wanting the attention. His friend Marmalade (cat) is very lonely along with Kally(dog) and of course me..it is so quiet. He always sat on either my computer chair or my sewing chair..lol. It was a constant.. moving Fuz..lol. It was a game we played all day every day..neither of us got tired of it.

How sad for you and he was a cutie always waiting for treats. So hard to have to put a sweet animal down. I know you will have another very soon. :)
What a great tribute to a faithful friend. Sending a hug.......
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