Rain today so spent some time in my sewing room organizing. Does a sewing room ever Not need that..lol. I have way to much "stuff" but I know I will need it all at some point..right?? Good thing we have such a thing as plastic totes for storage..and boy I do have a few...ugh!! Oh well men have there tools ect..lol. I should have stayed in my room..lol..but no I didn't..big mistake!!
I decided to go over my Bell Canada bill ( we have 3 services from them..Phone,TV and Internet..boy can that raise your blood pressure. Every time I take the time to check it out to make sure everything is ok..it is NOT. Then I go to the website..and check out the prices and make the phone call asking questions. OH NO that prices is for NEW customers..and further there is another $2 - $3 more on top of the quoted price your asking about it. Then there is the comment oh but you get $5 off for bundling..can't you see that on your bill? I feel so nickle and dimed by this company. I think at the end of it all I have saved a big $5. Why do I fight with them?? I never do win..grrrr!!! I hope at some point in my lifetime I will get to see enough competition out there that our rates will go down. There I feel better now I have vented..lol.