It has been a while.... And I'm not sure who is still watching this blog .
Lots of things of been happening and unfortunately most of them have been to do with our health .
We have both had health issues which has taken a lot of time considering we have horses to look
after as well as our house pets . For those that do not know I am also blind now. Adjusting but it has taken time.
I thought I'd post a few pictures for fun and hopefully will have time to post here more frequently
On the 19th I'm going into the hospital to have my left knee replaced. Lots of changes since the right was done so hopefully not down to long.
This is a picture of our Murphy. Last week we sold him to a wonderful gal that will give him a good home. It broke our hearts but it had to be. We were so lucky the right home was available. Lots of kids to teach to ride so I know he will be happy.
The Clydesdales are still with us along with the Mini horses and dear old Gilly the 32 year old Welsh.
Murphy was young enough for the change.
Enjoy the day..and keep well.

So nice to see an update from you! Sad to hear that you've lost your remaining sight. Sending you a hug!
Just found your blog and started following.
اقوى شركة رش دفان بالرياض
تعتبر أعمال رش الدفان من أهم الأعمال التى يراعى اعطائها أهمية للتخلص من الحشرات الخطيرة(وهى النمل الابيض)حيث تعتمد الشركة على مجموعه من المبيدات الآمنه والفعالة والموثوق فيها (بإعتماد وزارة الصحة السعودية . منطمة الصحة العالمية . معايير الجودة الأوربية )ونظرا لأن الحشرات يمكنها أن تتكيف مع كافه الأماكن والاوضاع المختلفه ؛وهذا لأن الحشرات تمتلك هيكل خارجى مميز يمكنها من العيش فى أى مكان ويمكنها من العيش داخل الشقوق المختلفه ؛بالاضافه الى ذلك فهى لديها قدرة هائله على الهروب أو الطيران , فقومنا بتقديم شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض ونظرا فى سمعه الشركه الطيبه بين العملاء.
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As I found your blog as I started following you. I like reading your all blogs. Great Hard Work.
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