What a wonderful day..the sun is finally out. I am in the beginning stages of a huge project. We are rebuilding all the stalls in the barn. This weekend we are digging all the stalls out and putting new sand in for drainage then the building starts. It is supposed to rain but that is ok as long as the weather man is right that the temps are supposed to remain in the teens (C) So now the painting begins. Lots and lots of boards to be painted.
Last weekend being Easter we had a great time over at friends. The meal was fantastic and the laughs endless. Once the meal was over the kids..(all in there 20's) decided to get the draft horses out and go for a ride. Some of these lovely horses had never been ridden but they sure did not care. I am not sure who had more fun the kids or the horses.
Off to the barn!! This project is going to take sometime to finish..but at least it is started.
Have a great weekend.

What a wonderful time for both the kids and the horses! Good work on the barn renovation-the end result will be great!
Beautiful horses...
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