Last evening when we went to do chores..the entire back wall of the leanto for the Clydes had blown down. Now that is wind!!!! It was not was screwed in place. A lot of screws. Will get some pictures today. So now that is going to be a big job trying to either move it out of the field or repair it right there. Some phone calls today to figure that all out. We sure will not be doing it ourselves.
Yesterday with the wind so bad and the was a day for some sewing. Our oldest granddaughter had taken a bad fall with some track pants that were her favorite. A little embroidery on the knee and it is fixed..cute. I know she will be thrilled to have them back. The back of the pants have big bear paws in white..the reason for the
I have not used this machine a lot since I got it for Christmas 2 years ago.
With my eyes acting up I was just not in the mood. Well I am slowly getting used to it. Maybe we can bond after I had gotten so used to my Designer 1 that with the vision issues I was just not putting the time in to learn some of the different features...I think we are going to be
A job I kept putting off is embroiderying hubbys name on uniform shirts..and it is also done. Slowly the list is getting smaller of those little projects.
Later on I want to tell you about "Fat Cat" one of our barn cats. A fellow blogger meantioned about a rescue cat..and I want to tell you about our rescue. It is a story thank heavens with a happy ending. Later today or tomorrow.
Enjoy the day wet or

The bear is cute on the pants. Now they are brand new again. Wow the wind knocked that lean too down oh my that is not going to be fun putting it back up.
I am happy you are bonding with your SE.
Crazy about the wind! I haven't done any embroidery in a long time either....nice to see you chip away at that backlog! Very pretty!
Very creative way to repair a favorite pair of pants! Also extremely cute!
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