Not EVEN December yet. I should not complain really when I watch on TV the amount of snow falling in other areas of Ontario...oh my we are lucky....could be worse.

Almost finished embroiderying names on some business shirts then on to some Christmas sewing and quilting. The frame is hopefully going to be set up today. Just waiting for the Stitch Regulator to come and I will be ready to play. Lots to learn so it will help put in time this winter if this snow keeps up. this is how my thinking any case it works for
SO...The B-Line frame of course needs a machine..and that would be my Mega Quilter. So that leaves the D1 to do the Embroidery and general sewing. I do have a Featherweight...and another portable..but not one with a big throat space. Now what is a gal to do while the Embroidery part is working..Well of course I HAD to get another machine.
The Sapphire 870 Quilt

Great throat space and lots of decorative stitches. Lots of feet come with the machine and some of the feet I have for the D1 will fit as well. I am one happy camper. Even hubby agreed I needed another great is that.
Well off to set up the frame. Wish me luck. Got lots of pictures to help with the set up. No doubt I will be calling Bunny to get some advice. Thank heavens her frame is set up.
Enjoy the day!!
I have my mega quilter on a frame and know you will love it! There is a learning curve so be patient with yourself and practice a lot! :') You might consider joining the YahooGroup for VikingMegaQuilters for pointers and encouragement!
Love your new machine, and you have been nominated for the Creativ Blogger award follow the link to find out more.
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