This was my trip to the barn this morning..Yes winter has arrived. The wind was so strong during the night I thought the house was going to blow away. I fed everyone heavy so I don't have to go back til evening for one last visit. I hate to do it that way but there is no point in risking my life..they need me to badly for me to take chances. I can spoil them the rest of the
Back to my sewing. Not the day to try Christmas shopping so I will get some work done while the storm roars across Ontario.
Keep warm and safe everyone.

Brrrrrrr, stay inside is right! A balmy 86F here right now :')
Oh you did get more snow than we did. We had some this morning but then it rained and it is still raining and foggy. We have had a bit of sun now it is clearing up hope the roads don't freeze. Glad you decided to just go back up there one more time.
You certainly got more snow than I did today...we were almost 80. I know it's dangerous, but I always think so is so beautiful!
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