Rubbermaid tubs..ya!!! just a few in the basement filled with fabric. I was down there today picking out fabric for a class tomorrow. We are making a Serged Table Runner. Should be fun to learn some new techniques. I was looking for Christmas themed fabric but that was not to be. Had some fabric left over from Rod's quilt and decided to use it. It's red so I guess it
It is going to be a busy week. On Wednesday I am heading with a friend to Cosco. Time to get moving on some Christmas presents and of course to pick up a few bulk items. The weather has been awesome so may as well do some travelling now before it turns nasty.
We got a load of sand for the barn. On the weekend we got it spread in and around the lad's leanto and around Gilly's paddock. They will be so nice and dry when the muddy times start again. We have not done it in a few years so it was really needed. The cats were watching every move. They are hilarious. I took this picture of JoeJoe a few weeks ago..position in life is JoeJoe came to us from a neighboring farm. He figured out we fed "real" cat food..and some wet food during the cold weather..ya!!..he is here to stay!!

Dusty is another one of our barn friends. Isn't he a sweety. His personality is just so loving. I wish I could have found him a forever home when he was a was not meant to be. Maybe that is ok..he seems to be one very happy cat. I am sure he would miss his hunting trips if he was taken to a home now. I am always finding some dead mice at the tack room door with him sprauled on the floor looking very

The kids are now living in there own home..and I have mixed feelings about that. Sure miss them..but oh my it is nice to have some quiet evenings. At least they are close so I can visit. I must be showing my age!!