With this holiday almost over it is on to planning Christmas. Every year it gets harder and harder to get holiday shopping under control. It was so easy when the girls were younger..toys are easy..lol. Now we are into the teen years so it is a chore. I think we are into the $$ and a small gift stage. This year again I am going to rely on the internet to do most of my shopping. Between gift cards and some phone and internet orders I am hoping to avoid the stores. This weekend the tree goes up. I have a few holiday decorations out now. With the kitten the tree will be secured in the corner with a few more cords..lol.
Yes hubby started his Christmas early this year. He and a buddy decided they should get new cars to play with this Christmas..and should break them in early..lol. Our friend travels a lot so they spent his last visit home testing out the new cars. I think they get more of a bang out of these toys than the kids that visit...lol
I have to show you my friends first quilt. Can you imagine she is a new quilter..and also picked out her own fabric. Kim Bolender did the quilting for her. She just has to put the binding on and it is all done. Just love it!!She should be very proud of herself. Now on to another one..she is hooked..lol.
Back to my sewing room. Have a great weekend!!!