We have been boarding 2 adorable miniature horses for an elderly man. They are the sweetest little girls. He asked us if we wanted to buy them but no we have enough..and that is another story. His health is not good and he felt it was time to let someone else enjoy them. So sad!! So..I offered to help him sell them. Fortunately we have found them a wonderful home not to far from us so we will be able to keep in touch with them. Our youngest grandaughter is not happy,!!! she had fallen in love with April the little white one. We had a discussion tonite about the girls going and she is so happy to know that she will be able to visit them at there new home. Whew!!
Then to add to the confusion just before all this happened we found a new riding horse for hubby and the girls. He is a total delight and we are so happy to have had the luck in getting hime. Even if we had not already bought the horse buying more mini's was not in our long term plans. We have 2 and that is enough. So here is Murphy our new boy meeting his new family. Now I can sleep tonite knowing the little girls are going to such a fantastic home.
More dust and mess tomorrow so off to bed...I think I can still find it..lol