My dear husband turned 65 yesterday. The years have just flown. Seems like yesterday we were a young couple full of dreams and worries about tomorrow. Now we are just older and still the same. Gotta love the dreams. We can not complain we are doing a lot better than a lot out there. Gee did you hear about the lady in Ontario that won the 20 million dollars. She used her last 4 dollars and got a ticket. A broken marriage had made her life difficult. When asked about the X..she said it sucked to be I hope she enjoys her
March break for the kids was fun. Got to spend some time with our two granddaughters. They both love horses so we spent a lot of time at our barn and at there barn so they could ride. Our Mini's are just a bundle of fur and are taking a lot of brushing right now.
The weather was great for a hack so off they went and enjoyed every minute.
Party is over..the kids are back to school and now I have to get myself back into my routine. Not nearly as fun as the past few weeks but that is ok. I can also get rested If I get to bored there are horses that are in need of brushing and a barn that is showing winter wear that needs some TLC. Oh yes and some