Life has been very hectic here.
Hubby is going in for open heart surgery on Thurs. We take him down tomorrow.
He has an aneurism ready to go (scarey) and has to have a new valve.
We hope the decision is right but have decided to go with a mechanical valcve. It means blood thinners for the rest of his life. The good part is not having to have the surgery again. With the pig valve it has to be replaced every 10 - 15 years.
So one day at a time. Iam going to be in the city til he comes home and all our critters are being looked after by friends and family. That I think is the hardest part of it all in that we are not with them.
Bye for now. I will be back when I can. My eyes are continually getting worse with the close up vision the worst. I always say life can always be worse so deal with it!!!! This also explains some of my typing and spelling mistakes. At some point I will get a program to help me with the computer.
Enjoy the day everyone it is a great one here in Ontario!!