Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Some Weeks..Ugh!!

I have been missing for awhile...I know!!!

Well it all started with our boarders Quarter Horse putting his leg through the steel gate. His back leg slipped on the ice while his leg was caught in the gate. I was by myself. He is not a calm horse so I was not a happy camper when I came upon this scene. I have a wooden I tapped his front leg..and keep saying his name..and he finally pulled it out before going to the ground. It was an effort to get him to his stall..he hobbled and limped the entire way. I knew he had damaged himself but how badly I was not sure. Called his owneer and started pain meds. In the morning he was a mess. More TLC and if you can believe it..he is ok after 3 weeks. Just bruising!!!! He is SO lucky. Big thing is..I am not so sure he learned anything from the Darn horse aged me!!

Then..her other horse must have been playing around with the other horses and fell and had a huge hematoma on her side and hip!!! Good grief..both of them in a week. Called the vet and had her checked out and she is fine!! Messy but fine. Most of the swelling is gone. This horse is such a sweet thing!! She has the biggest brownest eyes you can sink into just looking at her. Her biggest love is her young owner the daughter of our boarder. That horse adores this is something to see.

We have lovely new doors on the side of the barn and the big front door is new. I love them..just awesome. With age doors become an One handed opening is a dream. I love If it is possible to love
But!!!! During the building I never thought that "Fat Cat" our rescue from the Human Society would react the way she did..she hide..or left for awhile.Well Poor thing I called and called. Fatty does not like noise or other people at the barn other than me. She thinks of the barn as hers and mine and there is no need for anyone else to be around at all. The week I have been pretty sad because with all the calling no Fatty Cat!! I thought maybe the coyotes had gotten her or maybe her health had finally gotten to her. (If you saw her you would know something is wrong..she is oddly built..probably why someone dumped her years ago). Anyway last nite after all was finished with evening chores I went back to the barn..and quietly called her. The barn was very quiet with the horses eating being the only noise. I just called in a very quiet voice Fatty girl..come on baby girl..and I heard the little call back and a thump down from the hay in the mow upstairs. She looked down at me talking away. She would not come down the ladder no matter what I did so I went up slowly with food and water. Poor little girl was so hungry. I wish she could tell me what had happened and where she has been. What a relief. When I go up to do chores this morning I hope she is still there and will let me havea closer look at her to make sure she is ok. This is when you wish our pets could talk..I know she has a story. Her little life has had way to many sad stories, I am just glad she is safe in her barn again. BTW..she has been with us for over 5 years and has never left the barn other than to walk around the outside walls staying very close to the building. I can pet her but not catch her to pick her up..even after all these years.

So that has been the barn stories. Personally life still has its challenges but as long as my pets are ok..I am ok!!! Lets hope the drama is over for awhile at the barn.

Keep warm and safe everyone. Snow coming our way today. What an odd winter!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Desk!

I DID IT..managed to load the picture..not sure why I had trouble before..but in edit.I managed to load the it!!

I have no idea what I have done..or if it is blogger but I can't post pictures. When I click on the picture icon it won't open up the folder with my pictures. Anyone have any idea what is wrong?

On Sunday I was wandering around Kiiji which is like Ebay and found an Oak Roll Top desk..OMG!! They are so expensive and I have wanted one for years. That kind of money needless to say I could always find a home for in other places. Well this price had me calling the people. Just like that I said I will buy it having not even seen it. Yesterday morning it arrived. The nice man said he would deliver it. It is in perfect shape..just what I have always wanted for height and over all size. I am one very happy girl. Being solid Oak it weighs a ton so it sure is not moving

When the download feature finally works I will post a picture..grr!! How annoying when I have found such a great desk.

One of the horses hurt himself on a gate as I was bringing them in last nite so off to the barn to see just how sore the poor lad is this morning.

Enjoy the day!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Strange Winter

I guess there are times you have to be careful what you wish Just after my last post we got a dandy snow storm. Did not hurt my Then it all changed and now we are back into rain and ice. Some areas in Ontario have no snow. Today I heard we are supposed to have above normal temps from now on. That is long as I can walk and not slide all

Hubby and I had some fun time at the barn on the weekend. The cats are totally craving attention. Nothing would do but to sit down and have some cuddle time. Tippy of course had to go on her wagon ride when I took hay out to the horses. That is her On the other hand her brother Dusty is not allowed on the

The horses had a wonderful time wandering and eating. It was a perfect day for them. They enjoyed every minute of finally being outside all day.

Needless to say the barn got to stay clean a lot longer

Enjoy the day. I am off to do some purging of some sewing items I know I am not ever going to get at. May as well pass these things on to some people that will enjoy them.